Johannes Stein
Ph.D. in Physics, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry/Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
As a physicist by training, I took the turn toward biology during my PhD developing both tools and instrumentation for DNA-based super-resolution microscopy (SR). I will be bringing my SR-background in DNA-PAINT to the CGI as we work toward imaging entire genomes at the single-cell level.
F. Stehr*, J. Stein*, J. Bauer, C. Niederauer, R. Jungmann, K. Ganzinger and P. Schwille. Tracking Single Particles for Hours via Continuous DNA-mediated Fluorophore Exchange.
Nature Communications. 2021, 12. *equal contribution.
F. Schueder, J. Stein, F. Stehr, A. Auer, B. Sperl, M.T. Strauss, P. Schwille and R. Jungmann. An order of magnitude faster DNA-PAINT imaging by optimized sequence design and buffer conditions.
Nature Methods. 2019, 16.
J. Stein*, F. Stehr*, P. Schueler, Philipp Blumhardt, F. Schueder, J. Mücksch, R. Jungmann and P. Schwille. Toward absolute molecular numbers in DNA-PAINT. Nano Letters. 2019, 19 (11). *equal contribution.
F. Stehr*, J. Stein*, F. Schueder, P. Schwille and R. Jungmann. Flat-top TIRF illumination boosts DNA-PAINT imaging and quantification. Nature Communications. 2019, 10 (1). *equal contribution.
O.K. Wade, J.B. Woehrstein, P.C. Nickels, S. Strauss, F. Stehr, J. Stein, F. Schueder, M.T. Strauss, M. Ganji, J. Schnitzbauer, H. Grabmeyer, P. Yin, P. Schwille and R. Jungmann. 124-Color Super-resolution Imaging by Engineering DNA-PAINT Blinking Kinetics. Nano Letters. 2019, 19 (4).
J. Nguyen, D.V. Conca, J. Stein, L. Bovo, C.A. Howard and I. Llorente Garcia. Magnetic control of graphitic microparticles in aqueous solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019, 116 (7).
P. Blumhardt, J. Stein, J. Mücksch, F. Stehr, J. Bauer, R. Jungmann and P. Schwille. Photo-Induced Depletion of Binding Sites in DNA-PAINT Microscopy. Molecules. 2018, 23 (12).